This tunnel is off of the beaten path which makes it a more ideal location for an investigation. The only down fall to this location is that a lot of teenagers and locals do from time to time stop by. When the team arrived at the location a group of teenagers were also present so they took their time to get their equipment out and take some group pictures until the teenagers got their thrill for the night and left so the team could get down to business.
Some lore for this location is the legend that small children will "call" people into the tunnel, people can hear voices coming from the tunnel, fog/mist will appear in pictures but not present in real life, hand prints will appear on a person's vehicle that was not visable when you arrived at the tunnel and also the S.O.S. historian dug up some lore of a slave being hung near or by the tunnel.
The group was able to disprove some of these claims, but that does not mean that other groups that have visited this location were not able to come away with evidence, S.O.S. supports all other groups in the field. This a S.O.S. investigation and that is all they can speak for, not others that have investigated.
The first thing that struck the group was that a small stream runs right through the tunnel, the team interviewed a local gentleman and he stated that when it rains it covers the floor of the tunnel, which is something to keep in mind when visiting near or after a rain.
With the tunnel having a water supply running through it, the Sisters noticed that with cameras that have a flash right above the lens that a mist will appear, this is due to the flash bouncing off of the water vapor that is produced by the stream, with more expensive cameras the vapor did not show up because of the placement of the flash in accordance to the lens.
When a person walks near or in the tunnel they hear a large amount of matrixing by the water which is magnified by the tunnel itself, when a person steps in, it feels like they are completely cut off from the outside because the sounds of the water is so loud. The team also believes this could be an explanation for claims that children "call" people into the tunnel. While the team was in the tunnel, they could pick out sounds that could be confused as male, female and childrens voices.
As a child, everyone has breathed on a car window and then wrote or smudged something on the window, maybe even put their hand print on it. It never fails, the next time there is fog or some sort of moisture, the mark a person left when they blew on the window will reappear, unless your parent wiped it away before this could happen. This is what the team believed could be the explanation for the hand prints. Any hand print that was previously placed on a vehicle and with the close proximity of the stream, the water vapors will then show the hand print.
The tunnel is a beautiful location, it would be great for group pictures or just a photo shoot.
S.O.S. recommends anyone stop by the location and check it out. There are not many things in this field that are free, so when given the chance feel free to check them out.
As far as evidence, the team came away with none.
*Included are photos of the "mist" above an investigator's head and in the tunnel, those were taken with a camera with the flash close to the lens, the clear pictures were taken with Rachael's camera which has a larger area from the flash to the lens.